Discover Symphony Sideboard by Boca do Lobo

Designed in 2011 by Marco and Diogo Carvalho from Boca do Lobo the Symphony Sideboard draws inspiration from church organ tubes, as well as the curves of violin. It reflects the designer’s passion for music and metalwork, and the extensive research carried out during its development process.

Discover Symphony Sideboard by Boca do Lobo (1)

This limited piece was purchased in 2012 by Janet Morais, a well established North American Interior Designer, were it remained in her collection until earlier this year.

Discover Symphony Sideboard by Boca do Lobo (5)

Currently, there are only eight of twenty Symphony Sideboard’s in existence, all of which are spread out in different continents. It goes without saying that one of the eight models was commissioned for the Fifty Shades of Grey blockbuster, where it was featured in Christian Grey’s apartment.

Discover Symphony Sideboard by Boca do Lobo (4)Discover Symphony Sideboard by Boca do Lobo (2)

The piece was also at 85 Old Brompton, Christie’s London Showroom, for an auction.

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